Whether your proclivity is scientific or mainstream, research and accessible information on CBD oil is prolific. Regardless of your persuasion, at some time you have surely endured the unforgiving grasp of anxiety. Do you meditate, go for a run or perhaps reach for a beautiful glass of fermented grapes? Never fear! CBD Oil is here.
Dr. Mehmet Oz — second cousin to Oprah who we all know speaks gospel — and National Physician correspondent, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, sing the praises of CBD oil’s ability to quell multiple physical ailment from a cellular level.
Recent studies have also shown CBD oil to be effective in easing generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Controversial as it may sound, CBD oil has proven effective in aiding children’s anxiety as well.
Seem too go to be true? Consult Medical News Today for additional information. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319622.php
Should you really want to geek out, look up the NCBI article on CBD as a therapeutic alternative for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. A little something our Military City might know something about.
Wrap it back around to the comorbidity of anxiety/ptsd and substance use disorders, namely too many grapes — CBD can even assist in alleviate those tensions. NPR published findings of a study wherein participants suffering from PTSD received CBD oil in measured doses and ultimately ended up drinking less alcohol. Go figure.
Who knew so much goodness could come from just a leafy appendage…